Ukradli jej samochód. Ona w odwecie ukradła im... swój samochód

Ukradli jej samochód. Ona w odwecie ukradła im... swój samochód

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Niejaka Danielle Reno z Kansas City stała się bohaterką nie tylko swojej miejscowości, ale wręcz wszystkich osób, które poznały jej historię. Kobieta na własną rękę wytropiła złodziei swojego samochodu.

Reno wysiadła ze swojej Toyotę 4Runner dosłownie na chwilę. Złodziejom wystarczyło kilka sekund, aby ukraść samochód w którym znajdował się również telefon oraz portfel. To okazało się zgubą dla tych osób, gdyż zaczęły korzystać z karty płatniczej.

Video 1- “I stole my car back” So after my car was stolen on Tuesday night from Quick Trip off of 152 and North Oak, I filed a police report. We tracked my phone to 169 S and then it was shut off. I watched the surveillance tape but they wouldn’t let me record it so I engraved it in my brain. That night at 1:30am my Unleashed card was used at Taco Bell on Parvin for $14. At 6:32am my Unleashed card was used at BP right by 291 in Independence for $20 for gas. That owner remembered her and let me take a video of the surveillance video. My personal debit was attempted at and declined. I shut off the Unleashed card, my personal debit, and my personal credit card. Last night at 8pm, my phone was turned back on and located in KCMO. We went there and talked to the people who both admitted to seeing my car, knew the color of it, said the person was “just visiting”, and then it got weird. I called the cops but when they got there, the people told them I didn’t know what I was talking about. Long story short, KCPD left. Then today, I decided to turn my credit card back on to see how stupid this girl was. She used my card an hour later at the Conoco/Phillips 66 off 210 and 435 to buy beer, cigarettes, and gas. We drove there and talked to the manager who was actually the one who helped them. He couldn’t show me the surveillance but confirmed it was the same girl and said she had another girl with her. An attendant overheard us and told me she heard the girl say something about going to Applebee’s. I had my sister go to the one in Zona. We went to the one in Gladstone. No sign. We then went to the one in Independence no sign. So we decided to go back to the one in Gladstone and post up. We just had a gut feeling. We order our food and got our waters. Two seconds later, 3 trashy people walk in. I recognized her from the surveillance videos. I was shaking! I grabbed my spare key and went outside and found my car. This video is what happened next. Savannah G-love Dean stayed at the Applebee’s and followed them so we knew where to tell the police they went.

Gepostet von Danielle Reno am Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2019

Kobieta śledząc płatności na swoich kartach podążała jak cień za złodziejami, węsząc i tropiąc. Po dwóch dniach dowiedziała się, że samochód z trzema kobietami niedawno odjechał i udał się do popularnej sieci restauracji. Danielle uprzedziła złodziejki i na miejscu pojawiła się przed nimi. Gdy zobaczyła, że wchodzą – znała ich twarze z monitoringu, gdzie dokonywano zakupów jej kartą – wyszła z lokalu, użyła zapasowych kluczyków i odjechała w inne miejsce. W tym czasie na miejscu pojawiła się policja.

Niemal swoje śledztwo Reno udokumentowała nagraniami.

Video # 2- “when ‘Taco Bell’ got busted” So after my car was stolen on Tuesday night from Quick Trip off of 152 and North Oak, I filed a police report. We tracked my phone to 169 S and then it was shut off. I watched the surveillance tape but they wouldn’t let me record it so I engraved it in my brain. That night at 1:30am my Unleashed card was used at Taco Bell on Parvin for $14. At 6:32am my Unleashed card was used at BP right by 291 in Independence for $20 for gas. That owner remembered her and let me take a video of the surveillance video. My personal debit was attempted at and declined. I shut off the Unleashed card, my personal debit, and my personal credit card. Last night at 8pm, my phone was turned back on and located in KCMO. We went there and talked to the people who both admitted to seeing my car, knew the color of it, said the person was “just visiting”, and then it got weird. I called the cops but when they got there, the people told them I didn’t know what I was talking about. Long story short, KCPD left. Then today, I decided to turn my credit card back on to see how stupid this girl was. She used my card an hour later at the Conoco/Phillips 66 off 210 and 435 to buy beer, cigarettes, and gas. We drove there and talked to the manager who was actually the one who helped them. He couldn’t show me the surveillance but confirmed it was the same girl and said she had another girl with her. An attendant overheard us and told me she heard the girl say something about going to Applebee’s. I had my sister go to the one in Zona. We went to the one in Gladstone. No sign. We then went to the one in Independence no sign. So we decided to go back to the one in Gladstone and post up. We just had a gut feeling. We order our food and got our waters. Two seconds later, 3 trashy people walk in. I recognized her from the surveillance videos. I was shaking! I grabbed my spare key and went outside and found my car. This video is the follow-up to the first video I posted. Savannah G-love Dean stayed at the Applebee’s and followed them so we knew where to tell the police they went.

Gepostet von Danielle Reno am Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2019

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